35CIA – FIG – A NEW FRUITY PURPLE ADDITION WITH A TWIST – We blended cherry into the mix.
Infused with Spectral Pigment Accelerators – THE NEW ZEISS PILLA “SPA” LENS TECH
The FIG lens is fantastic new entry to our “CIN” family of purple neutralizers with a twist. We added a touch of our Cherry lens filters. The blend created one of the most exciting all-around lenses for medium yellow light. The CIN platform is arguably the most sought-after technology we produce as it not only creates separation of the target from the background but is provides an acceleration of target color for enhanced target acquisition. The addition of the cherry modification makes the lens even richer and vibrant. A new filter with purple and red Infusion – a balanced lens with higher value color registration than the current neutralizer offering… We targeted a lens transmittance value in between the 19CIN and the 52CIN using our ICE IR coating science. Infusing our new Spectral Pigment Accelerator into this lens kicks back green backgrounds while popping targets with a more robust intensity. For the shooters who utilize our CIN technology… Our new Fig lens (35CIA) which could be also called a 35CIN offers a super lens for lighting where it’s not full sun but a brighter light value than that found mid-morning or afternoon.
The lens has our proprietary 7-Layer anti-reflective applied to reduce light dispersion to near zero.
New nose saddle.
The new ICE technology from Pilla delivers lenses from Zeiss that benefit from cutting edge engineering of coating science. A multi-layer coating application that improves a significant number of technical must haves in producing the best lenses available for the athlete. The lenses benefit from principals that deploy the best of Hydrophobics and a proprietary Hydrophilic technology on the backside of the lens. The ICE nomenclature delivers a technology that makes the lens surfaces very slippery- Hence the name “ICE”… this solution does not allow water to properly adhere to the lens surface. This slippery performance reduces fogging on the backside while also making the lens extremely easy to clean repelling oils and water. Pilla ICE coatings also feature color enhancing abilities to amplify infused color pigments in the lens making the color filters more robust. The exclusive and proprietary spectral enhancements in each formulation are tuned to a specific wavelength. A turbo charging effect of our IR based platform making color extremely vivid and also allows for a level of specificity in color targets. We can pin point color lift (like our CMX or HC lenses science) and color fade for example in our neutralizing lens science. This composite of these technical coating solutions accelerates color lifting performance, reduces fogging, while making the lens very easy to clean. In additional to these coating solutions on all 2023 ICE Lenses, Pilla applies the highest performance Anti-Reflective to minimize any distortion created by reflecting light and splintering of light on the lens surfaces.
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$365.00 Regular Price
$285.00Sale Price
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